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Crowdless 10th Anniversary With Adidas

On March 1st, 2024 Crowdless celebrated its 10th anniversary in style by hosting a special event with adidas. The event featured a printing workshop with the talented artist Hayat Osamah, followed by a private dinner and party.

The collaboration between Crowdless and adidas for this special occasion highlights the store's commitment to offering its customers exclusive and innovative experiences. By partnering with a globally recognized brand like adidas, Crowdless was able to bring something truly special to its loyal clientele.

The printing workshop led by Hayat Osamah was a hands-on and interactive experience that allowed attendees to get creative and personalize their own canvases. Hayat Osamah, known for her bold and unique artwork, brought an artistic touch to the event, giving guests the opportunity to create one-of-a-kind pieces that reflected their individual style.

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